Friday, March 16, 2012

Wealth Multiplier

Joe Vitale

Brad Yates
Thank you for purchasing this amazing program for clearing your limiting beliefs about money. We are confident that you will find them very powerful -- each and every time you listen. The more you use this system, the more powerfully it works.

Please bookmark this page. You will want to listen to these recordings again and again -- there are new benefits and greater freedom with repeated listening.

Below are the links to the different parts of the program. To download, right click on the link and select "Save Target As."
MBB Wealth Multiplier #1 (MP3): The Limiting Beliefs Healer
MBB Wealth Multiplier #2 (MP3): The Deserve Reserve Expander
MBB Wealth Multiplier #3 (MP3): Tapping Into Abundance
MBB Wealth Multiplier #4 (MP3): Tapping Into Vibrant Health

MBB Wealth Multiplier #5 (e-book): Laurusnotes: The Lost Keys
MBB Wealth Multiplier #6 (MP3): Guided Toward Abundance
MBB BONUS Wealth Multiplier #7 (e-book): The Seven Lost Secrets of Success
Additional audios:
Here is first recording in two parts so that it can be burned to a standard 80 min. CD: Part 1Part 2
Most of the comments I receive are in favor of hearing the participants and feeling their energy. For those of you who find that distracting, here are the first two calls with the other voices edited out:
The Limiting Beliefs Healer The Deserve Reserve Expander
For those who like to see things in writing, here are the transcripts as PDFs:
Wealth Multiplier #1 (part 1)Wealth Multiplier #1 (part 2)Wealth Multiplier #2Wealth Multiplier #3Wealth Multiplier #4
You may have seen this video on YouTube - it can also be very beneficial as part of your routine for attracting financial abundance.
(Additional helpful videos are listed below.)

Money Beyond Belief --
Recommended use:
The main tool used in the calls is Emotional Freedom Techniques™ (EFT).If you are not already familiar with the EFT tapping points, it is recommended that you take a look here. You will also find it of great benefit to use the eTapping onResistance to Change to start with.

The best way to use this program is to go through the first four Wealth Multiplier audios in order, though you are free to repeat any before proceeding to the next. Once you have been through each, you will know which ones are best to repeat for your specific needs.

Wealth Multiplier #4 is more about health than money, but the same internal issues that block an abundance of health can also block an abundance of wealth. You may feel it of great benefit to slightly change the focus.

Wealth Multiplier #5 will provide you with positive "food for thought" as you go through this program. There is no specific order in which to read it. The extent to which our results are positive is the extent to which our thinking is positive. This will help--as will the bonus, #7.

Wealth Multiplier #6 can be used on a daily basis--ideally at least once a day for the first week. You will likely find yourself wanting to use it on a continuous basis. Not only will this guided imagery help build a more prosperous mindset, it will also be healthy for mind, body and spirit.

There isn't a specific 5:49 tapping routine for you to use - it is just recommended that you tap at least that much each day. You can use tapping rounds from this program, YouTube videos, or make up your own..Once you are comfortable with the tapping procedure, and have a good idea of how the wording can be used, you will find that you can use it whenever you find yourself slipping out of a positive state of mind. Remember, life happens on a daily basis, so tapping away negativity and tapping in positive thoughts and feelings should be a daily practice--even if only for a few minutes a day. EFT always works--even when the effects are subtle. If discomfort is still showing up, it just means there is more there to clear. But EFT is like dental floss--it only works if you use it. Think of it as "mental floss."

You deserve to be rich - in every area of your life - and your wealth benefits everyone. Thank you for taking the opportunity to do this work.

If I can be of further service please let me know.

Enjoy, Prosper and Be Magnificent!
Brad Yates & Joe Vitale
Click these links for additional videos about money:
Money Comfort
Willing to be Great, Rich, Successful, etc.
Using Money as an Excuse

Additional Special Gift!
Law of Attraction: Dealing with the "Dark Side"
A "Success Beyond Belief" Special Event
Don't miss this powerful 90 minute teleseminar with special guest star Bob Doyle of "The Secret" and Wealth Beyond Reason! You'll have a great time, and learn simple techniques for moving from feeling down to feeling good -- and into a positive attracting state.

Along with how to download the recording, you will also receive a free subscription to my monthly newsletter "Success Beyond Belief!" - full of tips and tools for living a more successful life--as well as instant access to a free Life Enhancement Worksheet and a healing guided imagery audio recording (a great way to start the day--or as a quick-fix during stressful times)!

To get access, please click here: your name nor e-mail address will ever be shared or sold.)

If you would like ongoing live support with this process, check out the weekly Tapping into Abundance teleclass here.
Become an Affiliate! Money Beyond Belief is creating just that for our affiliates. Using this program is going to make a positive difference in every area of your life. Please help spread this powerful message--and enhance your income - sign up and earn 50% in commissions! Click here.

For more information and resources on how to enhance your success and happiness, please visit

Have you heard Joe's "Attract a New Car" calls? This series was based on his best-selling book "The Attractor Factor," and features several guest experts, including Brad. You can find those at

If you have any difficulties with the audios, please write to
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Note: In these recordings, participants are guided through the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and guided imagery. These techniques have been found to be safe and non-intrusive, and participants almost universally feel a greatly enhanced sense of well-being. Uncomfortable emotions may be triggered -- these are usually cleared quickly and easily with continued tapping, leaving you free of the former discomfort and the limitations associated with it. However, you must take responsibility for your own well-being if you choose to actively participate in the exercises.

The presentation of EFT in the audios is Brad Yates' own personal style, and these are not intended as formal training on how to do EFT. The best way to be trained in the use of EFT for a variety of issues is through Gary Craig's videos, or by attending a live workshop - many of which are listed on Mr. Craig's website. At this site, you will also be able to download the free 79 page EFT manual.
A note about refunds: We offer the money back guarantee because of our confidence that this system, when used, will have dramatic positive effects in potentially every area of your life--beyond even just your finances. However, if you feel a need to request a refund, simply forward your Clickbank receipt within 58 days of purchase to, and one will be promptly processed--no questions asked.