Sunday, January 6, 2013


You should listen to this step at least 3 times in a row, or for 7 days to fully maximize its potential.
After you have completed this stage, move on to level 2 for the next session.
Congratulations you have now made it to the second step in the Alpha Mind System.
Now that your mind has become trained to the alpha state of awareness, this next step will give you a powerful system for being able to achieve the alpha state at will.
This means whenever you are feeling tense, stressed and want to relax, you will be able to in any situation immediately go into an alpha brainwave state.
So if you have difficulty sleeping, want a burst of inspiration or just simply want to chill out, you will now be able to enjoy the alpha state whenever you feel like it.
This natural ability is your true inner magic….
As this is a more advanced subconscious programming technique, it is a little longer than the initiation, lasting 30 minutes and bringing you true bliss
As this is a more advanced subconscious programming technique, it is a little longer than the initiation, lasting 30 minutes.
So listen to this 30 minute guided meditation at the end of your day at a time when you know you can relax and be confident that you will not be disturbed.
Repeat this session for at least 6 times in 14 days before moving on to the next step.
However feel free to use these sessions for as many days as you wish until you are comfortable with the exercises.
When you practice this specific session you will be guided to hold your breath at certain points. It may feel uncomfortably long when you first start to do this, but relax it is not essential for you to hold your breath as long as it is suggested. However the more you practice this system, the easier it will become to control your breath comfortably and you may find that your resting breathing rate is slowed down. A lower resting breathing rate is associated with calm, relaxed states of mind.
After you have completed the ‘Finding Your Inner Bliss’ exercise you may want to try this method for a powerful way of creating a relaxation effect in your body.
You can practice this alongside the other exercises in the rest of the levels of the Alpha Mind System as it is a good idea to make this a daily habit for life!
Did you know the body has no monitoring mechanism for oxygen?
It knows it is vital for its survival and cells simply die without it.
But in the base of your brain there is a highly sensitive monitoring mechanism for your level of carbon dioxide as it knows this gas must be maintained at an optimum level for oxygenation of cells.
If this level drops it will start to change your breathing rhythms itself to try and raise it.
By doing this exercise you will create a relaxation response throughout your body.
  • Sit in an upright posture, preferably in which
    your back feels supported.
  • Ensure you have a clock near you that you can
    hear ticking.
  • Breathe out and then breathe in for the count
    of four seconds.
  • Immediately begin to breathe out and continue
    breathing out for the count of 6 seconds.
  • See if you can hold your breath out for the count of 2 seconds.
Continue this for about two weeks and then increase the exhalation by two – so that you are breathing our for eight seconds.
Continue this practice for a few more weeks, doing it at least twice daily for two minutes at a time.
Then check your breathing one morning and you’ll find the exhalation has begun to increase by just one or two counts – you will know you are on your way to full breathing and your body is drinking up that oxygen.


You may need to right-click the following links and select Save Link As to download the file to your computer
You can play the file directly in the player by clicking on the link too.
*To gain the full benefit of the Alpha Mind System Meditation Program it is recommend that you listen to it through stereo head phones, making sure that you are lying or sitting comfortably in a safe environment.
Please DO NOT listen to this session while you are driving your car or operating machinery.
Please consult your doctor before using this program if you are have epilepsy or any other neurological conditions.


Well done, you are now on to the third step of the Alpha Mind System.
You should now have become fully trained in to being able to reach an alpha state at will.
Do not worry if you have not been able to yet. Just go back and repeat the previous steps until it becomes more effortless.
This step will teach you how to use your own mental imagery and visualizations to bring the results in to your life that you want to attract.
Listen to this meditation as many times as you feel comfortable with the methods and suggestions explained in it. Once a night for 2 -3 days should help your subconscious mind to awaken its ability to visualize effectively.


You may need to right-click the following links and select Save Link As to download the file to your computer
You can play the file directly in the player by clicking on the link too.
The Alpha Mind System Manifestation Process:
Your subconscious mind responds best to feelings and images.
If you consciously feed your subconscious mind the feelings and images of the things you really want to attract into your life, your subconscious mind will navigate you to your destination!
Step 1: Create Dream Life Targets.
Write down exactly the outcome you want to manifest and focus on the outcome
In order for this to work with almost 100% guarantee of success, with little chance of manifesting anything dangerous, make sure what you want is of value to others, not just yourself.
The measure of your success and wealth in life is directly proportionate to the value you bring to other people.
For the universe to accept your vision of the future, it must accept that you are going to bring value to the universe.
If you want to manifest $250,000 in a year, write down exactly what value you would bring to people for them to give you their money.
Would it be something you could sell to them? Would it be a job promotion? Be as SPECIFIC as possible.
If you want to manifest a top-­‐of-­‐the-­‐range sports car, think about exactly what that car would allow you to do, or what type of person would you need to be, to own such a car?
Would you be someone who writes a best-­‐selling novel? Would you create an in-­‐ demand product, or just excel at your job and got that dream career as a result?
One useful exercise is to write down your own obituary. I know it sounds a bit of a weird thing to do, but try it.
“How would you want to be remembered by other people?”
I bet by doing this exercise you may find some of those material things you would normally want to manifest may be replaced by less selfish things that are more valuable to others.
 When I was first starting out in the music business, I had a dream in mind to one day have a spiritual record label and media company that would produce music that would educate and inspire others.
The deeper I got into the music business, more and more temptations were thrown in my way and I got side tracked from my original dream big time!
I practically self-­‐sabotaged every opportunity I had that was not congruent to my original wish-­‐to the point I got very sick and ill, not to mention depressed and lonely.
 It was only at this extremely low point I realized I had forgotten my original vision that, ultimately, would be much more value to others than my other business exploits.
It is amazing how the universe has guided me back to what I originally wished for because that is exactly what I am doing now and I feel far more rewarded and happy now than any other time in my entrepreneurial career.
The universe will guide you to your end result if your end result is of value to the universe, even if it means putting you through a lot of pain to get there. It will almost feel like you are being guided by a divine force and it is this secret manifestation technique that forms the basis for discovering your “higher purpose”.
  • Focus on exactly what you want – Where attention goes your energy flows!
  • Visualize your outcome and try to see it as real as possible. Be specific to how you would feel, what you would hear and smell if you had reached your end result.
  • Use vision boards, dream boards, incantations, subliminal mind software and hang or post positive statements on your walls and computer desktop as much as possible.
Step 2: Reprogram Your Subconscious Through Meditation
By using special third eye meditation, you can actually start to activate your pineal gland and enhance your creative powers. Use this to gain inspiration for the future reality you would like to manifest.
Use “I AM” incantations whilst meditating every night for about 10 – 20 minutes before you go to sleep.
Using the Trypnaural brainwave entrainment technology, you will be able to have the best chance of moving into an alpha brainwave state where the power of the “I AM” suggestions takes maximum effect.
By doing this, your old habits will die away and your thoughts will turn into the things you really want in life.
  • You must be relaxed and confident in the process of subliminal mind programming. You must say the “I AM” statements with pure conviction they are 100% true.
  • You must feel sincere gratitude for everything you already have in life before you start to meditate. Through the feeling of gratitude you raise your energetic frequency and attract the corresponding wavelength of the future
  • The only way to remove old habits is to replace them with good ones. So, repetition is key. You must make it a habit to practice meditation using the subliminal mind programs as often as possible, so it eventually becomes a hard-­‐wired, natural process.
Step 3: Take Massive Action + Seize Every Opportunity For Growth
What? I have to do some work? YES! This is not a magic program where you sit back, relax and think your way to success.
That, I am afraid, is not the way things work. Anyone who tells you they can magically manifest any future you desire is a nut bag and should be locked up.
No, in all seriousness, none of this works unless you take MASSIVE ACTION upon all the amazing things that will start to happen to you. Things such as:
  • Chance encounters with people who can help you move to the next level.
  • New sense of energy and motivation -­‐ if you follow the methods outlined so far, your productivity will go up significantly.
  • Weird coincidences or strokes of luck. They are not coincidences or anything to do with luck; it is merely the universe opening its doors to your dream life that is coming more and more true.
  • New strategies, mentors, books, audio, videos filled with powerful life-­‐ transforming information will start to appear. It is up to you to act upon those special strategies, as they will no doubt lead to your inevitable success.
In my experience with my own health, as I began the process of subliminal mind programming, around one week later I received an email directing me to a video explaining this new food supplement called Colostrum. The benefits of taking this supplement seemed so compelling, I rushed out and ordered it. After only four days of taking this supplement my symptoms had pretty much vanished. I firmly believe it was due to a combination of the subconscious reprogramming and the chance encounter with this amazing substance. I am now enjoying a symptom free life.
  • Relax, have faith and detach yourself from the actual outcome. What this means is do not worry endlessly about whether the future will manifest itself how you want. Instead focus on enjoying what you have now. Live in the NOW! What this does is give you a sense of peace and keeps your energetic level high and attractive!
  • Energize your goals with passion. Have fun and live life to the MAX! Act, dress and behave like the successful people you most want to be like!
  • Always look to add more value wherever you are. Your income and happiness is directly proportionate to the amount of value you give to others whether it is in business or your personal life.
  • Once the money starts coming in from the value you are giving out, start to give at least 5% of your income to a charity of your choice. This is how you tithe your income to spiritual causes. Just try it and see what magic comes back to you! My friend who is a doctor began to tithe his income. He would get paid privately every time he was called out to do assessments. One day, his regular standing order set up to transfer money from his bank account to the charity stopped sending money to the charity because the card had expired. He forgot to redo the payments and guess what? …the number of call outs he got went down to once a month instead of once a day and so did his income.
I will leave you with one more piece of information that is a fun acronym worth remembering…
I want you all to have the true power of G.O.D
What G.O.D stands for is:
  • G – Generate – generation of new ideas, concepts and creations
  • O – Operate – implementing new ideas, developing strategies, strengthening the strengths, taking action and managing outcomes
  • D – Destroy – Destruction of old bad habits, clearing the clutter, eliminating the negative and weaknesses from your thoughts.
We are all born with a unique set of genius skills. If these skills are discovered and worked upon, they can lead to great value in our lives and in the lives of others.
Use the subconscious mind power system to realize your maximum G.O.D potential and live the life of your dreams on your terms!
Some Key Points To Remember:
  • What we focus on the most is what we eventually become
  • We also become our environment
  • Use vision boards, pictures of role models to focus your attention on what you want to manifest
  • Use meditation and yoga to reduce stress and plant good habits into your subconscious mind
Here is an example of a good vision board. You can make one quickly using a free online photo editor:
Then you just need to print it off and you can stick it up on your wall and make it the desktop background on your computer and mobile as a daily reminder of the things you want to manifest and attract.

Niraj Naik, The Alpha Mind System